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63 results for: 'Christmas'

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Bible themes: Christmas

You’re shaping the future of global Bible outreach

Thousands of you have helped to fashion the future of Bible mission by taking this year’s supporter survey. Your insights are crucial to helping us become better.

On fire for the Lord in China

Thanks to your kind giving, we've sent discipleship materials to the Chinese city of Feicheng. Their impact has been huge.

Your gift this Christmas

You are changing lives through the Bible

You can give the Bible to children in the Middle East

This Christmas you can help reach thousands of children in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan by supporting the distribution work of dedicated Bible mission teams in those places today.

The Queen: Serving as Jesus served

In 1947, as Princess Elizabeth, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II toured South Africa with her parents and sister Princess Margaret. In a speech broadcast from Cape Town on her 21st birthday, she referred to her ancestors' motto, ‘I serve’, sa...

The Queen and reconciliation

The history of the island of Ireland and mainland Britain makes very painful reading, of which the Troubles of the 1960s to the 1990s were the latest instalment. More than 3,500 people died, approximately 60 per cent of whom were killed by Republican...

The Queen and Jesus

The public life of the Royal Family is very much bound up with the established Church. The monarch bears the title 'Defender of the Faith', inherited from Henry VIII, and the Church of England is part of the royal landscape.

The Queen and the Bible

Queen Elizabeth had a deep knowledge of the Bible from reading it regularly and hearing countless sermons based on it. For her, as for all Christians, the Bible is a key source not only of doctrine but of comfort, hope and inspiration.

Bible Society of Jordan is 50 years old and full of life

Sharing the Bible in Jordan is difficult, but with your support the team sees hundreds come to Christ each year

Does ‘Xmas’ cross out Christ?

Some people say we shouldn't call Christmas Xmas, because the X is crossing out Christ. But …

Creation: Joy to the World

Christmas carols are full of Bible truth. Knowing the biblical background helps us sing with understanding.

In the strangest year, God’s word offers hope

Will you bring the Bible to life in your school this Christmas?

No room at the inn?: Luke 2.1–7 (Day 322)

The shops have already been full of seasonal products for the last few weeks, but we don't read the stories around the birth of Jesus in churches until Christmas; and then they tend to get squeezed into the format of carol concerts and family se...

Give children in the Middle East the Bible this Christmas

God’s word is a gift of hope for a child whose life has been shaped by conflict

This Christmas you can give the greatest gift

Around the world the Bible’s message is changing lives. But the Bible need keeps growing.

20,000 children in Egypt blessed with Scripture backpacks

Twenty thousand children in Egypt have been blessed with backpacks packed with Scripture resources thanks to the generosity of Bible Society supporters.

Will you make 2022 a year of Restoration?

Get a free 2022 Calendar of Restoration, with illustrations by Emma Skerratt, and be part of the biggest children’s Bible distribution by our Syria team.

Are Harvest Festivals biblical?

Through September and October churches of most denominations have a Harvest Festival. The modern harvest festival developed over time, drawing on biblical themes and local traditions.



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