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298 results for: 'John Broom'

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Apostle John: writing New Testament letters | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (part 2) - 05

In Ephesus is the Basilica of St John – the site where according to tradition the Apostle John is buried. He was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and many believe that in Ephesus he may have written his Gospel portrait of Jesus' life and mini...

Beloved disciple

The phrase 'the disciple that Jesus loved' or its variants is used six times in John's Gospel. This disciple is identified in John 21.24 as the author of John's Gospel (also known as the fourth Gospel). Christian tradition ident...


A word used to describe the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John referring to the Spirit's role of coming alongside people and helping them. Not used of the Spirit outside of John's Gospel.


An ancient city on the coast of Asia Minor (modern Turkey) famed for the temple of Artemis which was one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world. An early centre of Christianity, visited by Paul on numerous occasions and also believed to be the ho...

Fourth Gospel

The name for John's Gospel used by those who are uncertain about whether they think the Gospel was by John (either the evangelist or the elder).

Gabbatha (Stone pavement)

Only mentioned in John 19.13, the Greek word 'lithostrotos' probably refers to the mosaic pavement on which the judgement seat sat. The Hebrew word gabbatha means elevation and so refers to the elevation of Pilate's judgement seat. T...

Herod Antipas

A son of Herod the Great, Antipas ruled in Galilee from around 4 BC to AD 39. It was Herod Antipas who was criticised by John the Baptist for marrying the wife (Herodias) of his half-brother and who subsequently executed John the Baptist in Machaeru...

Stone pavement (Gabbatha)

Only mentioned in John 19.13, the Greek word lithostrotos probably refers to the mosaic pavement on which the judgement seat sat. The Hebrew word gabbatha means elevation and so refers to the elevation of Pilate's judgement seat. This is known...

Discipleship Central: Rediscovering the way of Jesus in a new landscape

Interested in ‘Rediscovering the way of Jesus in a new landscape’? Prof David Ford brings insights from John's Gospel and Jess Dubock brings insights from Generation Z.

The verse that means the most to me is Jeremiah 29.11

The verse that means the most to me is Jeremiah 29.11. It says, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Someone gave me that verse when my husb...


A first century Christian from Alexandria in Egypt who is mentioned a few times in the New Testament. He was influential in the development of Christianity in both Ephesus and Corinth, though is said in Acts only to have known of the baptism of John ...


An early Christian, originally a Jew from Cyprus called Joseph, whose name was changed to mean 'son of encouragement' (Acts 4.36). A close companion of Paul, he also had strong links with the Jerusalem church and introduced Paul to the apo...


A son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother Abel in Genesis 4.1-16 and was forced by God to wander the earth in punishment and as a result became viewed as the symbol of someone who had sinned (1 John 3.12).


There are two people called Demetrius in the New Testament, a silversmith who opposed Paul and a disciple commended by the writer of 3 John.


A term widely used in Judaism to describe a person who, either individually or in a group, learnt from a teacher. In the New Testament the term is used to described not just followers of Jesus but those who followed John the Baptist too.

Elect lady

The person to whom 2 John is addressed, but little is known about her or the 'elect sister' also mentioned in the letter.

Galilee (sea of)

Also known as Kinneret, the Lake of Gennesaret, Lake Tiberias or the Sea of Tiberias. A large freshwater lake in northern Israel which is about 33 miles in circumference, it is the second lowest lake in the world (after the Dead Sea). The place whe...


A word that comes from an Old English word 'godspell' meaning good news. It can be used to refer either to the content of the good news (in other words the general message of good news that comes from Jesus) or to a document which lays out...

James (Jesus' brother)

Mentioned in Galatians 1.18-19 as the brother of Jesus (a term which some traditions understand to mean relative or cousin), James is thought to have been the leader of the Christian community in Jerusalem and the author of the epistle of James. Not...


The Hebrew name for a lake which was also known as Galilee, the Lake of Gennesaret or Lake Tiberias. A large freshwater lake in northern Israel which is about 33 miles in circumference, it is the second lowest lake in the world (after the Dead Sea)....



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