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139 results for: 'Beyond Disaster'

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Lamentations and the gift of prayer

While God’s mercy is affirmed in the book of Lamentations 3.21–24, Dr Heath Thomas explores how the cry of 'kyrie eleison!' can become a model for the Church today.

Getting started with the Bible

New to the Bible and not sure where to begin? Here are three top tips to get you going.

Bible in a year: September

Tom's still reading the Bible. Hurrah. Here's what he's learning.

Made for eternity: 8 Bible verses about hope

Someone has said that it’s possible to live for 40 days without food, three days without water and eight minutes without air – but only one second without hope. Here are eight Bible verses about hope.

Bible Q&A: What would Christianity look like without Paul’s letters?

If the New Testament didn’t have any of Paul’s letters, would Christianity still be a complete faith, founded on salvation through Jesus Christ?

Bible Q&A: Christian morals and values

Should Christians impose their biblically-driven morals and values on society, or keep quiet?

Bible Q&A: What does the Bible say about tithing?

Tithing is the practice of setting apart one-tenth of one's earnings as an offering to God. Numbers 18 tells us that the tithes were to be given to the Levites, the Israelite tribe who were set apart as priests.

The Bible in Transmission - Summer 2020

When a crisis strikes – Perspectives on the impact of Covid-19

Amazing grace: the gospel in Psalm 23

Inspired by Psalm 23.5 – ‘You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me’ – Bible Society is encouraging churches to host banquets for those who might have been particularly affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

I live by the sea. Some people might think it’s a backwater, but it’s very diverse

I live by the sea. Some people might think it’s a backwater, but it’s very diverse. There are druids, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus and obviously atheists.

Prophecy in Isaiah

Biblical prophets were not fortune tellers. Periodically they referred to the future, but their main job was to speak into the present. Time and again they critiqued the status quo, drawing attention to the chasm between God’s commitment to his peo...

I remember talking to my Dad

I remember talking to my Dad, as an inquisitive teenager, and being worried about what happens to Indian people who were Hindus, who have many gods. My mum was born in India.

Three lessons on sharing the gospel from Paul

Christians have a lot to learn from Paul when it comes to spreading the gospel. Paul didn't let his limitations stop him from sharing the good news about Jesus because he knew his circumstances couldn't limit the gospel’s power. Here'...

Nicholas King Lectio Divina 1

Explore Joseph’s reunion with his brothers in Nicholas King’s new translation. Follow this devotional reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation journey for an immersive experience of Scripture.

The angel of prisons

Queen Victoria admired her, the King of Prussia travelled to London to see her impact, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton praised her work in Parliament. Because of her, thousands of prisoners in England had better lives. Get to know Elizabeth Fry.

The all-new Children's Rainbow Bible is a 'work of love'

The Bible is God’s heart for us, made available on paper, and that’s not boring. But how can we engage children with its teachings and stories when many are thinking, ‘What does something written 2,000 years ago have to do with me?’

'God is Not a White Man' shortlisted for the Michael Ramsey Prize

God is Not a White Man: And Other Revelations (Hodder & Stoughton, 2021) was shortlisted in November for the 2023 Michael Ramsey Prize. The prize seeks to generate awareness of the most promising contemporary theological writing for Christians to...

Your impact among refugees in 2022

Harry, who leads our outreach to refugees, describes how you’ve equipped churches to serve people in their communities who have escaped war.

A hundred kilos of Scripture: one man’s passion to share the Bible in Ukraine

In the past year your support has meant God’s word could reach thousands of Ukrainians. We’ve been able to make Scripture in the Ukrainian and Russian languages available free of charge to churches in this country serving refugees.



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