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Survey of Chinese in the UK

Author: Simon Bartz, 13 January 2022

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Ethnic Chinese Christians pray at a Bible study in England.

Ethnic Chinese in the UK are invited to take part in a survey to help us prepare for the large number of Chinese, many of whom are Christians, who will be making the UK their home over the next few years.

The results of the survey will be incorporated into a comprehensive study of the Chinese Church in the UK being conducted by Dr Yinxuan Huang on behalf of Bible Society.

Huang, a research fellow of the London School of Theology, said, ‘The Chinese Church here faces a watershed moment, and we don’t exactly know what will happen next. Covid, social and political changes, restrictions on religion in mainland China, the movement of people from Hong Kong to the UK – there is so much to be considered.’

The results of last year’s census have not yet been released but the 2011 census reported the Chinese diaspora at around 0.7 per cent of the UK population. This could increase substantially over the next few years.

Huang said there are now around 140,000 Chinese students in UK. China not only sends the most students here of any country – it sends more students than countries two to eight on the ‘most students list’ added together. Also three million Hong Kong Chinese are now eligible to settle in the UK. Many of those who arrive will be Christians looking for a church to attend.

‘In order to respond to the mission field, we need to know what the mission field needs. We need to know demand and provision. We must identify gaps and see the big picture in order for all churches, and not only Chinese churches, to engage in this crucial ministry,’ said Huang.

‘If you look at participants in the Chinese Church here, most new congregants are Christians coming from outside the UK – so, migrant believers from Hong Kong and mainland China. We want to identify the needs of these churches and work together so that they grow and reach out in their communities,’ he added.

Huang also said many Chinese Christians who arrive in Britain may be called to enter the mission field.

‘How do we prepare and outfit with resources those Chinese Christians here in the UK who one day will go back to their homeland? This is a long neglected and under-served mission field, which has strategic importance for nurturing young leaders for China. Thanks to Bible Society supporters we hope to be able to give these people the resources or training they need in years to come.’

Dr Yinxuan Huang’s work is fully funded by Bible Society.

When asked for prayer pointers, Huang said, ‘Please pray for my research on Christianity and the Bible amongst Chinese people in Britain. Please ask God to give us the wisdom to conduct the research. Pray that He will use the research powerfully so that more Chinese people in Britain will open their hearts.’

The survey will remain open until the end of February.

Complete the survey below:

English 简体中文 繁體中文

Dr Yinxuan Huang’s full story where he gives his testimony and describes his work in the UK will be published in the next edition of the Bible a Month newsletter. You can read the story on our Bible a Month webpage on 1 February. If you want to support the Chinese Church on a regular basis by joining Bible a Month then find out more by clicking the button below.

Find out more about Bible a Month

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