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301 results for: 'John Broom'

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I met my wife when I was 28 and we married at 31

‘I met my wife when I was 28 and we married at 31. She was a lovely girl, beautiful looking. We started dating and then she got pregnant and then we had to get married, because it would have been a shame to have a child out of wedlock. We didn’t ...

My husband is a clever man

My husband is a clever man. He worked for an oil company. We lived in Saudi Arabia, then the Bahamas. It was just great. There were parties all the time. When we were living in the Bahamas, I was 27 and had three children. I got pregnant again within...

I was 18 and in the first term of uni studying industrial product design

‘I was 18 and in the first term of uni studying industrial product design. I really liked the Christian Union. It was social. But there were Bible studies going on. They were going through 1 John. On this particular evening, they read verses 4-5: ...

My husband died on the first day of the first lockdown, 23 March

‘My husband died on the first day of the first lockdown, 23 March. I still believe that it was Covid. We had a very nasty flu infection. I got over it, but it went to his chest and he couldn’t get rid of the cough. He had had a stroke in 2011 and...

I recently received a diagnosis of cancer

‘I recently received a diagnosis of cancer. The scripture I read then was John 17.13, where Jesus prayed for his disciples that “they might have my joy in their hearts in all its fullness”. Also, a friend prayed that I would experience “peace...

About 30 years ago I'd been on a trip to Israel

About 30 years ago I'd been on a trip to Israel, which was wonderful, and on the trip back home it was really busy on the train from Reading; our group was split up and seated all over the train. I was very tired because we'd had a very ear...

I had some dark times in my life when I lacked certainty

I had some dark times in my life when I lacked certainty and John 6.37 gave me the thought that I didn’t have to be perfect. I realised that, lo and behold, I wasn’t perfect.

Ephesus (Part 1)

Our latest Bible Trek series introduces the historically important city of Ephesus near the western shores of modern-day Turkey. The well-preserved ruins remind us that Ephesus was a site of influence and importance to the ancient world as a centre o...

Complete at last: the Mohawk Bible

The Bible can now be read in the Mohawk language, thanks to 24 years of hard of work that realised a lifelong dream for Harvey Satewas Gabriel. A Mohawk Gospel of John was the first Scripture translation Bible Society published, in its founding year ...

‘Crucify him!’: John 19.1–16 (Day 363)

John's account of the death of Jesus is both moving and horrifying. Perhaps one thing that stands out, though, is the personal hostility with which Jesus is treated; whipping was standard, but the soldiers ram a crown of thorns onto his head and...

Come and see: John 1.43–51 (Day 345)

John's Gospel is different from the others. His tone and language are different; there are longer stretches of teaching, and fewer but longer stories, some of them different from the other Gospels. It begins with a unique sermon-poem. Where Matt...

Happy are those who believe: John 20.24–29 (Day 364)

John's stories of Jesus' resurrection appearances are the most vivid, memorable and personal of all the Gospel writers. One of them in this chapter is his encounter with Thomas – for ever afterwards, rather unfairly, called 'Doubting...

God loved the world so much: John 3.14–17 (Day 347)

John 3.16 is famous: 'God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.' But perhaps that word 'believe' isn't as straightforward as the word '...

The legacy of the Bible in Manchester and Cambridge

Find out what happened when Howard, our Head of Legacy Giving, brought together several supporters of Bible mission, passionate about Scripture, to explore the history of the Bible at the John Rylands Library in Manchester.

What does the Bible say about the mercy of Jesus?

Dutch art, TED talks and the Gospels – they all feature in theologian Marijke Hoek's exploration of Jesus' acts of mercy and how we can respond. 

Do what is right: 1 John 3.1–10 (Day 144)

The mark of the believer, John says, is love – but it's also doing what is right. He goes so far as to say that 'None of those who are children of God continue to sin, for God's very nature is in them' (verse 9). Does he mean th...

Watch out for false teachers: 2 John (Day 147)

Even within the lifespan of people like the apostle John who were close followers of Jesus and witnessed first-hand his life, death and resurrection, there were false teachers travelling around and leading believers astray with a message other than t...

Still volunteering at a hundred and four

Among Open the Book’s 6,000 volunteer Storytellers, who are making Bible stories interactive experiences for primary schoolchildren across the country, a standout is John in Devon who recently celebrated his 104th birthday.

'It was night': John 13.21–30 (Day 82)

In John's Gospel, the heart of the story of the Last Supper is Jesus washing his disciples' feet. It demonstrates the relationship all believers are to have with one another, and particularly the relationship leaders are to have with their ...

Live in the light: 1 John 1.1–10 (Day 142)

The author of this letter isn't identified, but was assumed by the early Church Fathers to be the author of John's Gospel. It's a beautifully simple but profound meditation on the nature of Christian love in the light of Christ.



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