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Your impact in Nazareth

Author: James Howard-Smith, 21 April 2023

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Dina Katanacho and her team in Nazareth are determined to bring hope by sharing the gospel. With your help, they’re working hard to release the healing power of the Bible into an increasingly difficult situation.

Israeli society is experiencing a range of crises particularly since the beginning of this year, with regular protests in major cities. Tensions between the divided communities have increased, and Christians have been attacked.

The Bible Society team live out the message of Scripture by demonstrating love however difficult things get. Here are a couple of ways your support is enabling them to champion peace and forgiveness as they make God known in their communities.

Empowering women

Churches in Galilee are partnering with Dina’s team to run Bible engagement workshops for women. Participants are learning what the Bible says about the challenges they face and finding out how they can apply these lessons to make a difference in their lives.

Elizabeth is a mother of four living in Nazareth. She also cares for her husband, who has been through multiple surgeries and has been left unable to work. Before she took the course she felt overloaded with problems. Now she says that the way the Bible Society has opened up Scripture for her has given her tools she can use to improve things. 

‘I never realised how my sons see me as a mother,’ Elizabeth said, ‘and how appreciative they are. I had no time to express the good qualities of my husband and children. I have learned to do that now in this conference.’

Dina says that in a strongly male-led community it’s crucial for women to have a safe place where they can support each other and speak freely. ‘We aim to create a stimulating interactive environment for local women to hear, read, and engage with the word of God. We’ve created a safe framework for women to interact with each other and to use their gifts for God's glory.’

Giving hope to youth

With conflict a fact of life in Israel, dealing with violence in schools has become the major objective for the team in Nazareth as they engage with young people.

The team has brought its anti-bullying programme to 250 secondary schools pupils so far this year. They’re now reaching beyond Nazareth to schools in Haifa and Jaffa, empowering young people to address violence in mature ways. 

Participants face the consequences of violence, including by hearing the horrifying numbers of people murdered in their communities. They’re learning to see a link between violence at all levels of society, from school bullying to conflict between the Bible Lands’ communities.

The programme consists of ten workshops providing practical help with things like controlling anger, learning to forgive and building self-esteem. It’s based on the Bible, centring everything on Jesus as our saviour and the prince of peace.

Your support makes this possible

Hundreds of supporters of Bible Society have come together this year to stand specifically with the teams in the Bible Lands. It’s with you beside them that Dina and her team can empower women and bring hope to youth through the power of Scripture. Will you put the Bible in someone’s hands today and change one more life?

Give the Bible to a resident of the Bible Lands

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