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Christian presidents of Africa, arise!

Call for Bible-based servant leadership and ‘zero tolerance for corruption’.

Meet our President

His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London, became our President in 2017. His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos replaced Dr Richard Chartres, former Bishop of London, who retired after 6 years in the...

5 ways to get ready for the election 

If we are to love God and love our neighbours as ourselves, influencing the institutions and forums that impact the lives of our neighbours is desperately important. What can you do practically?

Giving up everything for the Gospel

Qingchao, 30, leaves behind her family to train as a pastor in China, where there is currently only one trained minister for every 6,700 Christians.

What is government for?

In the second part of our series, Paul Woolley asks what we should actually be expecting of our government.

Why does the General Election matter?

As we draw closer to the General Election, Paul Woolley asks: why does it matter and what does the Bible have to say about it?

How the Bible went from banned book to bestseller

With China’s Cultural Revolution in 1966, came an end to religious freedom. The Bible was banned. But now it's one of China's bestsellers.

How the Bible moved this young man from witchcraft to Christ

From a life of witchcraft and crime to a relationship with Jesus thanks to the Good Samaritan programme.

A third of all Brits believe in guardian angels

Do you believe in angels? It turns out 1 in 3 people in the UK do according to a recent poll we commissioned. One in three people believe in angels and the same proportion feel they have a guardian angel watching over them...

How the Gospel of Luke changed the life of a former drug dealer

Algeria is a hostile place to be a Christian, but Christianity is growing. For former-drug dealer, Idir, life has been transformed through discovering Christ – and it all began with the Gospel of Luke…

Killed for their ‘lucky’ body parts: the threat to people living with albinism and how Bible Society is helping

Ritual killings of people with albinism is on the rise in Swaziland, where people with the condition live in constant fear. With no other sphere of society speaking up for this minority group, our team is leading the case...

Official opening for Mary Jones World visitor centre

A new visitor and education centre, created by Bible Society on the edge of Lake Bala in North Wales, will be officially opened on Sunday 5 October.
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