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Jacky’s story

‘My son was 16 when he was diagnosed with cancer. He had a brain tumour.’

Graham’s story

‘I was a reckless caver. There were moments of fear. Psalm 23 calmed me.’

Father Steve’s story

The church yard had become a druggy area that was misused by people with aggressive dogs, people with drink problems. Nobody wanted to come in...

Marion’s story

'I’m not a keen gardener. I love pottering about, but I’m rubbish. I buy pretty things and they shrivel and die. But I felt that the church yard could be a sanctuary...'

Rachel’s story

'I have always enjoyed gardening. I have been going to the church for 30 years. When the idea came up, I was keen to get involved...'

Canon Julie’s story

When I arrived in 2011 this was a mass of brambles and holly. There was just nothing...

Ed’s story

I was in the computer industry for ever and I never thought I would be in charge of a church yard...

Dave’s story

I love this copper beech. It makes me feel awestruck. It is so majestic...

Joy's story

'I had broken heart syndrome.'
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