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Africa prayer tree

You're bringing God's word to people across Africa by filling Sunday schools with illustrated Bibles, translating Scripture into indigenous languages and sharing the gift of reading in Bible-based literacy classes. Will you pray for this life-changing outreach alongside other supporters?

Pray for Sudan

Sudan, a challenging environment for sharing the Bible, has been in civil war since April 2023. Will you pray for peace and for new opportunities to make Jesus known?

  • Pray for successful mediation efforts that will bring an end to the war in Sudan
  • Ask God to protect Sudan’s civilian population and draw near to those caught in the fighting and feeling desperately afraid
  • Pray for Bible Society workers in Sudan and their families. Ask God to keep them safe and to provide ways for those who have had to leave the country to come back and continue sharing the Bible

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Lord, hear my prayer, please help all those affected by the mudslide in Ethiopia; comfort them and sustain them during this difficult time. I pray there are no more deaths. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

4 days ago

Father I pray for the protection of your loved ones in Sudan please may they see fruit for their prayers and actions and the war would cease and their communities could return in safety. In the name of Jesus

Pete, from Truro

1 week ago

May your people in the Sudan recognise your love Father and know you are with them Jesus.
Holy Spirit give them the peace they seek and bind them in your love and forgiveness. Praise you for your mercies.


1 week ago

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Join us in praying that the Bible would be brought to life in the toughest places in Africa.


Share the Bible and teach a Gambian woman to read

Mission workers in West Africa need your support to run life-changing literacy classes. Will you reach The Gambia with God’s word today?

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