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Will you put a Study Bible in the hands of a lay pastor such as Ma Xin Ping, who serves churches in Henan Province without ordained ministers? (Photo credit: Andrew Hood)

Churches in China need your help

This appeal is fully funded, please consider giving to these appeals:

The Chinese Church inspires the world with its incredible growth and perseverance. But in the area of training leaders, it’s urgently in need. On average, the Church is only able to provide one ordained minister for every 6,700 believers. Will you help today?

The huge gap in leadership is partly filled by lay pastors courageously stepping up to serve. These volunteers love God but they’re untrained. Many of them are young believers, new to the Bible themselves and working full time to feed their families. Your donation will put a Study Bible in the hands of one of these leaders.

Will you help lay pastors lead their congregations by providing Study Bibles today?

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Elder Ye was in his early twenties and had just recently found faith when he felt needed by his local church. He grew into the leader he is today because a passionate supporter of Bible mission, like you, provided him with a Study Bible. The church Ye stepped up to lead had 30 members, but today it’s home to more than 1,000.

Your support will open up Scripture for lay leaders like Elder Ye. You’ll enrich their teaching and strengthen the faith of those in their congregations, deepening Chinese believers’ relationship with God. 

Your donation of £13 will provide a leader with a Study Bible they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford.

For £30, you could equip a lay pastor with a resource pack that will be a huge help to them as they lead their congregations.

You could even send one of these faithful and hard-working volunteers on a three-day training course to revolutionise their Bible-teaching with a generous donation of £300.

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Kua Wee Seng has worked in Bible mission in China for 28 years

Will you support the growth of the Church in China by equipping its leaders to teach God’s word?

‘The Church in China is experiencing a revival because the word of God is like wood in the fire. My prayer is for the Church in China to grow numerically and spiritually, that they will become a strong Church, rooted in the word of God, planted in the soil of China.

‘I pray that the Church in China will become a blessing to the communities around them, to the nation of China, and through that be a blessing to people all over the world – a key member of the global Church playing its role in global missions. I pray that they’ll be able to support the churches in other parts of the world in the future.

‘That is my prayer, my hope for the Church in China.’

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Information, images and video footage in this appeal provided by United Bible Societies-China Partnership.


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