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67 results for: 'the miracle maker'

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The Gospel according to Isaiah

Christians have always looked to Isaiah for a deeper understanding of the person and mission of Jesus. Since the early days of the Church, Isaiah has been called the fifth Gospel.

The Pitch

Bring the Bible to life on the big screen with this short film competition. The winner gets professional production support and a trip to Hollywood to meet industry professionals.

Ukraine prayer tree

Pray for Ukraine

Bible Q&A: What is the gift of speaking in tongues, and is it for today?

These gifts are things God allows us to do to serve and encourage one another by his power, and they signify that a believer has the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are exercised through faith.

I'm 87 now

I’m 87 now, but I was a weapons engineer in the Navy. When I was growing up, I was in the church choir. But when I joined the Navy, church and Jesus were very much in the background.

After you turn 60

After you turn 60, you get a bowel screening every two years. It came around and I did it. I was sent for tests. After three months, they said that I had stage four cancer with secondaries in my lung and liver.

Romans 10.14 says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?

‘Romans 10.14 says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

Resisting gang culture with God’s word

The journalist Catherine Pepinster went to Guatemala to see the impact of your support for Bible mission as children embrace an alternative to the gang culture around them.

A hundred kilos of Scripture: one man’s passion to share the Bible in Ukraine

In the past year your support has meant God’s word could reach thousands of Ukrainians. We’ve been able to make Scripture in the Ukrainian and Russian languages available free of charge to churches in this country serving refugees.

A miracle at midnight: Acts 20.7–12 (Day 214)

Acts 20 follows the ministry of Paul as he travelled through the many places where he had planted churches. There are many deeply serious incidents recorded in the book of Acts, but in 20.7–12 we find one with a funny side, although it’s still po...

Jesus’ headquarters in Capernaum | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 04

Capernaum was a bustling trade centre on the western shores of Galilee. This location became the epicentre of Jesus’ ministry. For around three years, Jesus performed extraordinary miracles and taught in the synagogue. It was a strategic move for J...

Jesus in the Synagogue | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 06

Jesus was a Rabbi (teacher). Rabbis would traditionally visit the synagogue to teach the Torah, but Jesus' teaching and miracles were sensational. His authority and power amazed the people. Healings sometimes took place on the Sabbath, getting h...

Jesus heals a blind man | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 02

Bethsaida was a fishing village on the outskirts of the Sea of Galilee. This was the hometown of his disciples – Peter, Andrew and Philip. It was also where Jesus healed a blind man in a two-part miracle involving a mud paste placed on his eyes. As...

Jesus rebukes Chorazin | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 05

Jesus spent a lot of time in three particular communities – Bethsaida, Capernaum and here in Chorazin. On a number of occasions he visited this community, taught in its synagogue and performed a number of miracles. However, in Luke 10 Jesus gets ve...

God’s unstoppable word in China

Kua Wee Seng witnessed the stunning growth of the Church in China during his 28 years working in Bible mission in China. Kua retired in 2021 as Director of China Partnership, United Bible Societies.

Census results: religion is still mainstream

The latest Census results show that there’s been a big fall in the number of people identifying as Christian in England and Wales over the last ten years, from 33.2 million in 2011 to 27.5 million today. That means we’ve dropped to under 50 per c...

Strength for the journey: John 4.43–54 (Day 348)

Jesus' healing miracles were normally performed face to face. This one is like the healing of the centurion's servant in Matthew 8 and Luke 7; it's from a distance. He is in Cana; the son of a government official is dying in Capernaum....

Light overcomes darkness in Syria

Nabil Saad reflects on the amazing Bible work going on in war-torn Syria.

Opposition to the gospel: Acts 19.23–41 (Day 213)

In Ephesus there was a temple dedicated to the Roman goddess Artemis, and visitors would buy silver idols to take home. Because Paul’s Christian ministry was so successful, the idol makers’ business was suffering, leading them to riot.



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