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278 results for: 'gospel'

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A word used to describe the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John referring to the Spirit's role of coming alongside people and helping them. Not used of the Spirit outside of John's Gospel.

John the Elder

A character in the early Church mentioned by some of the earliest Christian writers whom some think was the author of John's Gospel (also known as the fourth Gospel) or some combination of 1, 2 and 3 John. Little is known about him.


Otherwise known as Mark the evangelist. Christain tradition attributes the writing of the second Gospel, Mark's Gospel, to Mark, and associates this Mark with John Mark (Acts 12.12), the cousin of Barnabas.


A hypothetical document (Q stands for Quelle or source) which some scholars consider to lie behind the three Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke and which they use to explain the striking verbal similarity in some of the Gospel accounts.

Discipleship Central: Rediscovering the way of Jesus in a new landscape

Interested in ‘Rediscovering the way of Jesus in a new landscape’? Prof David Ford brings insights from John's Gospel and Jess Dubock brings insights from Generation Z.

Ephesians: Read it like you'd eat a rich fruit cake

Ephesians is a letter that's been compared to a sermon – it's so full of deep thinking about the implications of the gospel for the daily life of the Christian.

I was 11 years old. My parents had just applied for a job at a Christian youth centre.

‘I was 11 years old. My parents had just applied for a job at a Christian youth centre. I was finishing primary school and I never thought it would happen. But I found out that they got it and we were moving to Bala in Snowdonia. My world came cras...

Don’t just stand there!

Michael Pfundner explains how the word for ‘news’ in German implies information so significant it demands an actual response, not just a retweet. Likewise, the good news of the gospel is so significant it necessitates a change in the course of o...


A group of ten cities to the east of the Sea of Galilee which were a centre of Greek and Roman culture in what was otherwise an almost entirely Semitic region. The ten cities were encouraged by the Romans to flourish and to introduce Greek and Roman...


An ancient city on the coast of Asia Minor (modern Turkey) famed for the temple of Artemis which was one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world. An early centre of Christianity, visited by Paul on numerous occasions and also believed to be the ho...

Gabbatha (Stone pavement)

Only mentioned in John 19.13, the Greek word 'lithostrotos' probably refers to the mosaic pavement on which the judgement seat sat. The Hebrew word gabbatha means elevation and so refers to the elevation of Pilate's judgement seat. T...


An area on the western shore of the sea of Galilee a few miles south of Capernaum, mentioned in the Gospels (Matthew 14.34; Mark 6.53) as a place where Jesus healed numerous people who were sick.

Golgotha (Place of the Skull)

The place, in which according to all four Gospels, Jesus was crucified. It is not entirely clear which Hebrew word is thought to mean 'place of the skull' and some have suggested that the name might actually have meant a mount of execution...


A word used in Christian tradition to describe the place where the unrighteous go after death. The traditions about hell grew up largely after the biblical period. Where the word appears in the New Testament it is translating either the Greek word ...

Herod Philip I (also known as Herod II)

A son of Herod the Great and for a while his sole heir. According to Gospel tradition he was the first husband of Herodias who later married his half-brother Herod Antipas.

High Priest

The title of the chief of the priests in the Temple in Jerusalem. Before the exile the role of chief or high priest was life-long; after the Exile the High Priest was appointed for shorter periods of time but was also the presiding officer of the ...

John (brother of James)

Also called John the Apostle or John the evangelist. Christian tradition maintains that he lived to an old age in Ephesus where he died of natural causes. He was traditionally thought to be the beloved disciple and so author of John's Gospel a...

Judas Iscariot

One of the 12 disciples of Jesus. Judas Iscariot was the disciple who betrayed Jesus before his trial and death. Following Jesus' death, Matthew's Gospel (27.3-5) reports that overcome with remorse he hanged himself; whereas Acts 1.18 stat...


Otherwise known as Luke the evangelist. Christian tradition attributes both the writing of the third Gospel and of its companion volume, the Acts of the Apostles, to Luke. Luke is mentioned in Colossians 4.14 as 'the beloved physician', a...

Mount Tabor

A mountian in Galilee near the Jezreel valley. The location of a key battle during the time of the prophet Deborah in Judges 19. Is thought by some to be where the transfiguration of Jesus took place in the Gospels.



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