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The Lent Encounter 2023

Welcome to The Lent Encounter 2023! We’re thrilled that you are joining us on this journey through the Lenten season to the joy of the resurrection of Jesus at Easter.


Monday 10 April: Gratitude to God and hope for the future

Welcome to the final leg of our journey through Lent. We’ve covered a lot of ground over the previous weeks, exploring a wide range of topics. Thank you for joining us!

Sunday 9 April: Easter Sunday – Resurrection

On behalf of everyone at Bible Society – Happy Easter! Resurrection hope is alive and active.

Saturday 8 April: Holy Saturday – Atonement

So much in life can seem irreconcilable. The differences between an estranged couple. Opposition parties in the House of Commons. Our way of life and the future of the planet. At times the chasm just looks too wide to bridge...

Friday 7 April: Good Friday – Crucifixion

We are the species that is haunted by death.Not just for days or hours, like a pet that stops eating or elephants grieving their dead. We humans carry the weight of foreknowledge from a young age.

Thursday 6 April: Betrayal and trial

Jesus was too popular and too innocent to be arrested in daylight. So when the council and their enforcers finally come for him, it’s at night; and he says this in Luke 22.53.

Wednesday 5 April: Gethsemane

After the intimacy of the Last Supper, when Jesus celebrated the Passover with his closest followers, the Bible takes us into an even more intimate moment in a garden. He’s one apostle down, because Judas is gone now

Tuesday 4 April: The Last Supper

When you become a Christian, your sense of reality is transformed. We can see that happening to the disciples at the Last Supper. What they reasonably expect to happen is not at all what happens.

Monday 3 April: The triumphal entry

Welcome to Holy Week! Congratulations on making it this far in The Lent Encounter. All of the preparation, the prayer, the reflection has led to this. This week we recall the extraordinary final week of Jesus’ life on earth...

Sunday 2 April: Space to reflect and pray

This week we’ve been exploring how we can put God’s word into action, with inspiration from various passages of Scripture.

How to use The Lent Encounter devotional

If you have two minutes: Listen to the audio reflection and ponder how it might be relevant in your life.

If you have up to ten minutes: Read the Bible passage and listen to the audio reflection; you might want to keep a small journal, or note on your phone, to jot down words and phrases that jump out at you. Finish with a brief prayer to put what you have read and heard into practice.

What if I miss a day(s)?Don’t worry, life happens! Just pick up the devotional again on the current day, and, if you wish, you can use the space for reflection on Sundays to listen to those reflections you may have missed.

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