Curious about the Bible?More can be fixed than you think
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What I wish I’d known about freshers’ week
Feeling homesick at university? You aren’t alone
What does the moon have to do with Easter?
Wait a minute! The Easter story says what?!
Egg hunts, omelettes and water fights: How is Easter celebrated around the world?
Your two-minute guide to Holy Week
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What happens in the Bible? Here's the TL;DR Version ...
Where do I start with the Bible?
Does the Bible have to sound old?
7 ways the Bible could be a part of your spiritual search
Interested in exploring what the Bible has for you to discover – without the tricky language and cultural barriers? Join our email community for people who are curious about the Bible but wouldn't normally read it. We'll unpack what the Bible has to offer you on the things that matter to you today, like love, loss, peace and acceptance.