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Bible Trek

Jesus at Peter’s House | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) – 05

Simon Peter, originally a humble fisherman from Galilee, was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. Despite great triumphs and failures, he became one of the most important leaders of the early Church. A significant part of his journey was Jesus’ visit to his home and the healing of his mother-in-law who was sick with a fever. Archaeology reveals the original stones of Peter’s home, but it was Jesus who later declared that Peter would be ‘the rock’ on which the foundation of the worldwide Church would be built.

Quick read

Mark 1.29–34

In a nutshell

‘He went to her, took her by the hand and helped her up.’ Mark 1.31

The arguably most iconic piece of Christian architecture, St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, is named after one of Jesus’ closest friends. But Peter, the fisherman, lived in a much humbler building, in the Galilean town of Capernaum. Thanks to the work and skill of archaeologists, it can still be seen today.  

The house – a single-storey, flat-roofed dwelling – derives its importance from the fact that Jesus came to visit, curing Peter’s mother-in-law and many others who subsequently came knocking on Peter’s door. 

Archaeologists can tell us about the foundations of the house. Jesus, meanwhile, declared him the ‘rock’ of the Church. Peter’s life was transformed from fishing on a provincial lake, to leading the Jesus movement in Jerusalem alongside Jesus’ brother James. His greatness and renown all go back to the day when the master called him to follow him and visited him in his home.

Behind closed doors you start to get to know someone.   

In Simon’s house, Jesus went to his mother-in-law, took her hand and helped her up. When Jesus sees suffering, he acts. If you’re in pain, if you need healing, remember Jesus’ most natural reaction is to move towards those suffering and not away from them.   

Jesus takes the woman by the hand and restores her from the hospital bed to hospitality. This is what he was all about: full restoration. Jesus healed some physically. On another occasion (Mark 2.1–12) he forgave the sins of a paralysed man. The arrival of God’s kingdom meant healing of the heart, first and foremost – deliverance from the sin which ruins our relationship with God. 

Behind the doors, we see what Jesus was all about: deep, soul-level healing. Today he wants to fully restore you. Will you let him? 

Read on, to find out more about Jesus, the ‘holistic’ healer. 

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