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The incredible impact of 40 years of support

Author: Paul Williams, 21 June 2017

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My time as Chief Executive at Bible Society is measured in months, not years. However, even in this short time I feel privileged to be associated with such an amazing work and impacted by the significant contribution that Bible a Month supporters have made over 40 years of faithful support.

Let me tell you a little of what I’ve experienced first hand of that impact as I reflect on the significance of Bible a Month in this 40th anniversary year. Only six days into my tenure, I visited Africa. One highlight was a trip to a Masai village in the Kenyan rift valley where around 35 villagers gathered to read the Scripture, newly translated into their language, and celebrate their faith in Jesus Christ.

There is a widespread recognition in China of the power of the Bible itself to transform lives and communities

A few months later I made the first of two trips to China, where I’ve seen first hand the incredible passion for the Bible that is one key characteristic of the Chinese Church. What was extraordinary on those trips was hearing from government ministers and policy advisors concerning the impact of the Bible on Church growth: there is a widespread recognition in China of the power of the Bible itself to transform lives and communities.

Earlier this year I was in the Middle East, learning directly of the remarkable way in which Muslims are asking for copies of the Bible in their own language and how many are coming to faith as a result of reading the Scripture under the direction of the Holy Spirit. I also met with Christian Iraqi refugee families with stories of their escape from ISIS and the incredible comfort that they found in the Scripture during long periods of uncertainty, confusion and desolation.

We believe God is mobilising the church for a new wave of mission in Britain

The power of the Bible is the same at home as it is overseas. God longs to encounter each of us by His Holy Spirit and draw us to Himself through Jesus Christ no matter where we are or what language we speak. We see real signs of hunger and openness to God and the Bible in a context where for many years we’ve got used to cynicism and indifference.

We believe God is mobilising the church for a new wave of mission in Britain and we’re gearing up to be part of that movement. But to respond to all of these incredible opportunities, whether in Britain or beyond, we must first ensure that we ourselves remain hearers and doers of the Word.

We must remain hearers and doers of the Word

At Bible Society we’re particularly challenged at present by Isaiah 43.19. We believe God is calling us to lift our eyes and focus our minds on what He is doing in the world today. Scripture is a wellspring of life and we believe God wants to open up many wells in Britain that have been blocked up, as well as helping us discover new wells that will bring something fresh to our contemporary society (cf Gen 26.18-19).

Would you commit to joining us in this – praying for insight, understanding and courage to act in response to God’s initiative? Forty is a significant number in Scripture. Whether we’re talking 40 days, weeks or years, often what follows such a period of struggle, dedication, resistance to temptation or faithfulness is a breakthrough of some kind into more of God’s purposes.

What kind of breakthrough does God have in store for us all as we partner together in Bible mission? That question excites me and I draw encouragement from the 40 years of faithful support and giving that Bible a Month represents. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity. 

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