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King Charles and Bible Society

Author: James Howard-Smith, 15 December 2023

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His Majesty the King was a guest of Bible Society’s President, His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre in Hertfordshire last week.

The King was attending an Advent service at the Cathedral of Saint George, and he met members of the Coptic Church’s various ministries at a reception afterwards.

Archbishop Angaelos introduced the King to Bible Society’s Chief Executive, Paul Williams. They talked about Bible mission around the world, and the King asked especially about our work in the Bible Lands. The King’s late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, was Patron of Bible Society for many years, and since succeeding her last year the King has continued to donate from the Privy Purse.

The King also sent letters of thanks to schools in York that created a unique coronation gift for him. Primary schools, secondary schools, universities, churches and community groups in the city contributed handwritten verses to The York Gospels 2023, which Bible Society helped to produce.

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