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How YOU saved Bible mission in the year of the pandemic (Part 2)

Author: Simon Bartz, 28 January 2021

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Scriptures are distributed to migrant workers trapped at the border in Panama due to the pandemic.

Panama, Belarus and Costa Rica are just three of 35 countries whose Bible Societies may not have survived the pandemic if it wasn’t for the generosity of Bible Society supporters through the Solidarity Fund.

‘It was like finding an oasis of fresh water in the middle of the intense desert that we have had to face due to the pandemic,’ said Marco Gomez, the leader of Bible Society in Panama.

Marco was talking about how kind giving through the Solidarity Fund is saving or strengthening Bible Societies worldwide, enabling them to keep missions alive in countries that were in danger of closure due to financial difficulties caused by the pandemic.

Georgiy Melnikov, leader of Bible Society in Belarus.

‘We are grateful to God and also to the fellowship [of Bible Societies]. We are more committed than ever before to carry out and develop the mission, and to do so with excellence,’ Marco said.

Thanks to the kind giving of Bible Society supporters, Marco and his team have been able to continue to provide Scriptures and basic necessities to some of the most vulnerable groups affected by the pandemic. The Solidarity Fund, also known as the Rescue and Recovery Fund, has helped cover their operating costs, adjust its premises for social distancing and develop its online ministry.

Across the other side of the world from Panama, in the former Soviet Republic of Belarus, 2020 was a particularly difficult year, with the nation shaken by violent socio-political turmoil and the pandemic. 

‘Now as never before, the people of Belarus need to hear God’s message of comfort and love from his word,’ said Belarusian Bible Society leader Georgiy Melnikov.  

A big international family

The Solidarity Fund has not only enabled Georgiy and his team to keep making the Bible available at a time of great distress but it has also reminded them, he says, ‘of what it means to be part of a big international family’.

‘Covid is a big challenge but it is much easier to cope with it, having a sense of comradeship, participation and common purpose. We feel great gratitude to the Lord and [our sister Bible Societies].’

This girl was given a Scripture book in Costa Rica.

Being able to survive the crisis and look beyond it has been one of the biggest blessings of the Solidarity Fund support for the Bible Society of Costa Rica.

‘The fund comes as an extra oxygen tank to help us continue in the transformation to a new stage in the history of the distribution of the Bible through new technologies,’ said General Secretary Mayra Ugalde. 

Online ministry programmes

The Bible Society of Costa Rica has already made great progress in moving its Scripture sales online, and has been running a wide variety of online ministry programmes to serve different audiences during lockdown.

‘As we take these next steps, we know that we are given a light to help us see the way, every day, in this challenging stage where everything is uncertain,’ continues Mayra. ‘The support we have received is a sign of solidarity and a true fellowship.’

Pray: Please pray for Bible Societies whose operations have been badly affected by the pandemic. Ask God to give them wisdom, creativity and strength as they seek ways to continue to serve the audiences in their nations in very difficult circumstances. Pray also for ongoing fundraising efforts that will allow more Bible Societies to receive the help they need. 


Donate to the Solidarity Fund now

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