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Meet our New President

Author: Richard Franklin, 20 September 2017

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Picture: Bible Society/Ralph Hodgson

His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London. 

His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos began his ministry in the UK in 1995 as a parish priest and became General Bishop of the Coptic Church in the UK  in 1999. He's well known for his work in ecumenism and inter-religious relations and is internationally recognised for his role as an advocate for religious freedom and universal human rights. He works extensively with many different communities to build bridges, promote dialogue, and foster unity between Churches, faiths and communities. He said:

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‘I consider it an incredible honour to serve as President of the Bible Society, an institution that has historically served to share the message of hope through the word of God. As I embark on this new journey with colleagues from, and supporters of, the Bible Society, I also recognise the immense contribution of my dear brother and friend, His Grace Bishop Richard Chartres.

'This is a time in which Britain, and our world, needs the hope that can only come from the inspired message of God in the Scriptures, and it is up to us to be a faithful conduit of this life-giving message. I am sincerely committed to the ecumenical life of the Church because I believe in it, and there is nothing that can unite us more than Scripture as we endeavour to be the Body of Christ, and light in the world.’

'This is a time in which Britain, and our world, needs the hope that can only come from the inspired message of God in the Scriptures, and it is up to us to be a faithful conduit of this life-giving message. I am sincerely committed to the ecumenical life of the Church because I believe in it, and there is nothing that can unite us more than Scripture as we endeavour to be the Body of Christ, and light in the world.’

His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos replaces Dr Richard Chartres, former Bishop of London, who is retiring after 6 years as our President. Bishop Richard has been an enthusiastic and generous supporter of our misson, both in the UK and globally, not least in China where he has travelled with Bible Society.

Bible Society’s Chief Executive, Paul Williams, said: ‘We are profoundly grateful to Richard Chartres for his outstanding service over the past six years.' 

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He said: 'His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, and the Coptic Orthodox Church which he represents in the UK, models a deep, prayerful spirituality that is characterised by its attentiveness to Scripture. The love for the Bible that is demonstrated day by day, in all of life, and in the midst of considerable hardship and suffering by Coptic Christians, is a challenge and inspiration for us all.

'With his passion for the work of the church here, particularly amongst young people and the marginalised, and his connection with an ancient Christian community that has suffered throughout its history for its loyalty to Jesus Christ, Bishop Angaelos is perfectly placed to share and promote the vision of Bible Society as it moves into the new work God has for the organisation both at home and abroad.’

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Page updated 19/06/2018 to reflect the new title of His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos 

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