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Bible mission teams like Munther's in Jordan are asking for your help so they can continue reaching out with God's word in spite of the pandemic

Will you help raise £10k in a day for urgent mission needs this Giving Tuesday?

This appeal is fully funded, please consider giving to these appeals:



Bible Society teams in dozens of countries face funding crises in this pandemic. You can turn that around and make 2021 a year of hope.

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£14,639.78 out of £10,000 raised

from 357 supporters





You know how difficult this year has been. Just as it has devastated families and communities, the pandemic has threatened to close down life-changing Bible engagement projects around the world. Hearing that local Bible Societies in dozens are countries are in danger of closing down, supporters of Bible mission have come together in unprecedented numbers to create a rescue package.

Will you join this amazing effort of Bible heroes just like you to raise £10k in a day to meet urgent mission needs around the world?

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Your support is rescuing local Bible Societies like the one that serves Costa Rica

More than 30 Bible Societies in struggling parts of the world have asked for your help in the face of closure. One of the first teams to be reached was Costa Rica, where local funding had disappeared this year with the collapse of the tourism industry and the loss of more than a hundred thousand jobs. Supporters of Bible Society like you stepped up to meet funding needs for the team and the lives they’re impacting. Mayra Ugalde, who leads Bible Society of Costa Rica, told us that news of help coming ‘renewed my strength and that of my team’.

Giving Tuesday is an amazing opportunity for people passionate about Bible mission to come together and meet the urgent needs of hardworking teams like Mayra’s.

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Local Bible Societies do amazing work in their communities, often in the most challenging circumstances. Revd Valente Tseco and his team need your help to continue reaching out to people in Mozambique.

Valente Tseco, leader of Bible Society in Mozambique

Out in the countryside in Mozambique we have 224,000 Manyawa-speakers who have no Scripture in their language. This community is very important to us and we’re working to bring them the Bible for the very first time.

We’re also co-operating with the Church in Cabo Delgado province, where half a million people have been displaced in terrorist attacks since 2017. We conduct Trauma Healing for people whose homes have been burnt by terrorists, and we train church members to build positive dialogues for peace.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Your support this Giving Tuesday will make a huge difference for determined Bible mission teams like Valente’sLet’s come together to raise £10,000 in one day and make 2021 a year of hope by reaching more people with God’s word.

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