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In Malawi’s Sunday schools, 25 children share a single Bible. Will you help provide more Bibles?

As churches reopen in Malawi, will you help fill the Sunday schools with children’s Bibles?

This appeal is fully funded, please consider giving to these appeals:

Children in Malawi love God’s word, but there aren’t enough Bibles to go around. You can make a difference today.

Can you imagine sharing a Bible with 25 others? Churches have reopened in Malawi and Sunday schools are full of children but short of Bibles. You can help fill those Sunday schools with God’s word.

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'I met Angela in January 2020. She’s 10 years old and she loves Bible stories. But she can only read them at Sunday school, where she’s one of 125 children sharing just five Bibles. That week she wasn’t one of the five children who got to take a Bible home (and return it next Sunday). You could see the disappointment on her face. She’d wait weeks for her turn. Your gift will make an amazing difference for a child like Angela.'

Noemie Smith, Africa Mission Specialist at Bible Society

Bring the Bible into homes with the Family Bible Pack

The Bible is unaffordable for so many families in Malawi, where more than half of the population live in poverty. But it is changing lives. Our team there created a Family Bible Pack to bring God’s word into people’s homes while churches were closed. The effect has been so transformative they want your help to distribute a thousand more.

Filimoni Chigowo lives on 90p a day, so he could never afford a Bible. He wept when he received a Family Bible Pack saying, ‘Praise the Lord for this gift!’ He and his wife Chifundo are now reading the Bible daily with their two children. You can have this impact on more families.

Will you be part of this amazing effort to distribute a 1,000 Family Bible Packs?

As well as providing a Bible and a children’s Bible, a Family Bible Pack includes reading guides for the whole family. Mission workers in Africa are passionate about families experiencing God’s word together. They’re seeing the effect of the Bible on communities and on individuals like Twaibu, a father who has become a leader in his local church.

Filimoni Chigowo and his family study God’s word daily since they were given a Family Bible Pack.

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