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Daily reflections

Our daily reflections follow the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, designed for those who want to read the whole Bible in one year. Each reflection focuses on one of the chapters from that day's readings. 

Time to choose: Luke 23.1–25 (Day 343)

Pilate asks Jesus whether he is the 'king of the Jews' (verse 2). Jesus gives a very interesting answer: 'So you say.' In Greek it is literally, 'You say.' Apart from that, he doesn't answer his accusers (verse 9) and speaks...

Women at the tomb: Luke 24.1–12 (Day 344)

In Luke's story of the Resurrection, it is women who are first at the tomb. They are the ones who will minister to Jesus' body, as they think; a traditional role. It's hard to imagine their feelings as they approached their...

Come and see: John 1.43–51 (Day 345)

John's Gospel is different from the others. His tone and language are different; there are longer stretches of teaching, and fewer but longer stories, some of them different from the other Gospels. It begins with a unique...

Cleansing the Temple: John 2.13–22 (Day 346)

After 2,000 years in which the Church has become a settled part of society, one of the risks we face is that Jesus becomes rather domesticated. He was not really like that, though. Here we read about him chasing out merchants...

God loved the world so much: John 3.14–17 (Day 347)

John 3.16 is famous: 'God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.' But perhaps that word 'believe' isn't as straightforward as the word 'look...

Strength for the journey: John 4.43–54 (Day 348)

Jesus' healing miracles were normally performed face to face. This one is like the healing of the centurion's servant in Matthew 8 and Luke 7; it's from a distance. He is in Cana; the son of a government official is dying...

Walls of fire: Zechariah 2.1–13 (Day 349)

Zechariah is a book of visions, like parts of Daniel and Ezekiel and the whole of Revelation. Like them, it's not always easy to follow. But there are clues to help us, and God still speaks through the prophet's words.

The LORD condemn you, Satan!: Zechariah 3.1–10 (Day 350)

There are three characters in this chapter: Joshua, Satan and the angel of the Lord. The angel is God's spokesman, who speaks with his voice. Joshua is the High Priest (Ezra 3.2), who with Zerubbabel, whom we will meet in...

A temple of the Holy Spirit: Zechariah 4.1–14 (Day 351)

The prophet's visions continue. There is an elaborate lampstand which symbolises the wisdom and power of God, and either side of it are two olive trees, an emblem of fruitfulness. These stand for Joshua the High Priest and...
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