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Coronavirus and Bible Society

Telling a better story: The latest from Bible Society.

I’ve been a chaplain at Heathrow for seven years

I’ve volunteered as a chaplain at Heathrow for seven years. I love the mix of serving God, being with people, and, if I’m honest, being around aeroplanes! I spent 15 years in the aviation industry before going into church...

I’m an occupational therapist

I’m an occupational therapist. I work in the community with children who have conditions like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. Everything has changed, and is changing all the time. I’m now seeing adults in their...

My husband and I split our time between South Africa and the UK

My husband and I split our time between South Africa and the UK. We are involved in discipleship and leadership training. I was a bit discombobulated about having to come back from South Africa. I have had a real washing machine...

Shortly before the lockdown began

Shortly before the lockdown began, my wife, Evelyn’s, breast cancer morphed into cancer of the spine. We thought that she had days, or a week or so, to live. It became clear that we could no longer care for her at home, so...

As a comedian, I sometimes wonder if I look for irony or it looks for me

As a comedian, I sometimes wonder if I look for irony or it looks for me. Those ‘God-incidences’ (I wish that was a less clunky word) crop up so often, at times life sounds stranger than fiction. On that wretched day at...

I’m a music therapist

I’m a music therapist, and my work has basically stopped. I haven’t worked for four or five weeks. I also have a lung condition – cystic fibrosis – so I’m shielding at the moment. It’s kind of weird. It’s strange...

What if I didn't have to fear death?

Is there anyone who doesn't fear death? Apparently so. This Easter Sunday we explore why Christians take strength from the Easter story and how it can give us hope as we face the coronavirus crisis.

Is coronavirus the end of the world?

Is coronavirus the end of the world? Or just the end of the world as we know it? What does the Bible have to say, and what other wisdom might it have for us as our lives are put on pause?

Where is God in our pain?

This is a special message from Bible Society for those in the thick of it taking on the coronavirus crisis, whether in healthcare, as key workers or helping those who are suffering.

A few weeks ago, I was travelling in the Milan area

A few weeks ago, I was travelling in the Milan area when the coronavirus struck. The Italian response was dramatic. We went from hearing rumours to the closure of all public buildings, schools and universities within 48 hours...

Bible printing increasing to full capacity in China as nation begins recovery from Covid-19

Bible production is moving back to full speed in China as people start returning to work with the threat of the coronavirus receding.

What does Psalm 91 really say about the coronavirus?

Psalm 91 is a beautiful song that speaks of trust in God in the darkest of times. Because of its references to 'diseases' and 'plagues', it seems to be designed for what the world is going through at the moment with the coronavirus...
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