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Prayer - Catholic resources

Scripture is a fantastic prayer book. Praying with the word is a powerful way of tuning in to God. And it needn’t be a headache - there are many simple ways that you can use the Bible to pray.

Getting Started - Catholic resources

Getting started with Scripture isn’t as hard as you might think. With an easy-to-read translation, engaging with the Bible can be as simple as reflecting for just five minutes on one sentence or passage.

On journeying into the wilderness and Lent

Lent can, if we let it, summon us from the safe harbours of our lives into a wide expanse of existence. Are you ready to journey into the wilderness this Lent?

A third of all Brits believe in guardian angels

Do you believe in angels? It turns out 1 in 3 people in the UK do according to a recent poll we commissioned. One in three people believe in angels and the same proportion feel they have a guardian angel watching over them.

How the Gospel of Luke changed the life of a former drug dealer

Algeria is a hostile place to be a Christian, but Christianity is growing. For former-drug dealer, Idir, life has been transformed through discovering Christ – and it all began with the Gospel of Luke…

Tens of thousands of refugees in Jordan get help

Tens of thousands of refugees in Jordan are being helped to face their traumatic experiences of war, thanks to Bible Society.

8 love stories of biblical proportions

We love seeing how people respond to Scripture for the first time – so for Valentine's Day we asked Lucas Howe, a recent graduate who’d never read the Bible before, to look at some famous biblical romances and give us his first impressions o...



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