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Wednesday 29 March: The great commission


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Taking action

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Bible reading: Matthew 28.18–20

After his resurrection, Jesus commanded his disciples to ‘go and make disciples’. A small group of fishermen and tax collectors were called to go to all nations to share the good news. It must have seemed like an overwhelming task! And the task is still ongoing, as we continue the mission in our times. We too are called to be Jesus’ witnesses, sharing our faith in him with those around us. It can feel daunting, but there’s plenty in God’s word to encourage us.  

Firstly, Jesus tells the disciples, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me’ (verse 19). He’s reminding them that the world they are going into already belongs to him. There is no power that could ever change this. We too can be secure in knowing that despite the chaos and turmoil of our world, Jesus is still in charge. If you ever feel discouraged by a lack of response, or active opposition to the gospel, remember that Jesus is ultimately in charge. Leave it with him! 

Secondly, Jesus does not send us out alone, but promises that through his Spirit he is ‘with us always, to the end of the age’ (verse 20). He reinforces this promise when he tells the disciples, ‘You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses …’ (Acts 1.8, ESV). 

Once the disciples had received the Holy Spirit they were empowered to go, but they weren’t expected to do it in their own strength. The Holy Spirit changed them from timid disciples to bold evangelists, and they proclaimed the gospel despite threats and persecution. Although the task can seem overwhelming, we too have the Holy Spirit living inside us and empowering us to carry out the mission. 

Take action:  

Matthew 28.19–20 gives us specific guidance on what the great commission means in practice: 

  • It involves sharing the good news about Jesus and discipling people, whoever they are and whatever their background 
  • It involves leading people who respond to the gospel, realising their need of a saviour, to repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2.38
  •  It involves opening up God’s word, diligently teaching believers all that God has commanded his people so they can obey him and glorify him in their lives

How do these compare with your actions as Jesus’ witness? 

If you feel overwhelmed, afraid or under-equipped, ask the Holy Spirit for help, learn from other Christians and take steps to grow in confidence. Start today and never give up.

This reflection was written by Leonie Dorland, from the Bible Engagement team at Bible Society.

As we have reflected so far this week, faith in Jesus moves us to take action. You can take action and support the work of Bible Society by making a quick and easy text donation to help reach those who need to hear the Bible’s message of good news.

Dina Katanacho, who leads Bible work in Nazareth, says:

'People are tired after the pandemic and lockdown. They have had enough of violence and wars and hatred. They want change; they need God.  I’m seeing a revival among the historical churches. Things are happening that weren’t happening ten years ago … God is at work, making his Church alive again.'

How to use The Lent Encounter devotional

If you have two minutes: Listen to the audio reflection and ponder how it might be relevant in your life.

If you have up to ten minutes: Read the Bible passage and listen to the audio reflection; you might want to keep a small journal, or note on your phone, to jot down words and phrases that jump out at you. Finish with a brief prayer to put what you have read and heard into practice.

What if I miss a day(s)?Don’t worry, life happens! Just pick up the devotional again on the current day, and, if you wish, you can use the space for reflection on Sundays to listen to those reflections you may have missed.

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