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Saturday 4 March: The Kingdom of God


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The gospel

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Bible reading: Mark 1.14–15

The ‘Kingdom of God’ is one of those churchy phrases we hear a fair bit. Jesus himself says, as recorded in Mark chapter 1, ‘The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’

So what is the kingdom? One way of thinking about it is to define the kingdom as the ‘rule and reign of God’. The kingdom is the way things should be. It’s the way God intends things to be and the manifestation of his presence and authority.

Jesus came to earth and declared the kingdom through his presence and his authority over evil as he healed, drove out demons, and made the ultimate sacrifice upon the cross, before being raised back to life.

So what does ‘the kingdom’ mean for us today?

The Bible says we are ‘Christ’s ambassadors’ (2 Corinthians 5.20).

Just think about that. Kingdoms and nations have ambassadors to other nations and territories, who represent their home country and bring something of that into a new territory.

This is our call for our lives each day. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ, to a territory, a world of people who don’t yet know and accept him. Your daily call is to represent Christ and proclaim – through your actions, your choices, your words – that Christ is reigning over all, over all sickness, pain and death, and that everyone is invited into his kingdom.

May God bless you today as you serve as an ambassador of Christ. Go for it!

This reflection was written by Tom Newbold, Head of Supporter Relations at Bible Society.

How to use The Lent Encounter devotional

If you have two minutes: Listen to the audio reflection and ponder how it might be relevant in your life.

If you have up to ten minutes: Read the Bible passage and listen to the audio reflection; you might want to keep a small journal, or note on your phone, to jot down words and phrases that jump out at you. Finish with a brief prayer to put what you have read and heard into practice.

What if I miss a day(s)?Don’t worry, life happens! Just pick up the devotional again on the current day, and, if you wish, you can use the space for reflection on Sundays to listen to those reflections you may have missed.

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