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Galilee Series (Part 1)

Welcome to our new series – and a new location, as we explore Galilee. As you watch this set of films, we hope you will get a real sense of the importance and significance of this special place. It was here that Jesus began his ministry as he performed miracles, healed people and taught in the synagogue. It was here that he called his first disciples, calmed the storm and walked across the water. It was from the Galilee region that Christianity would emerge and eventually spread across the world. 

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Jesus in the Synagogue | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 06

Jesus was a Rabbi (teacher). Rabbis would traditionally visit the synagogue to teach the Torah, but Jesus' teaching and miracles were sensational. His authority and power amazed the people. Healings sometimes took place on...

Jesus at Peter’s House | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) – 05

Simon Peter, originally a humble fisherman from Galilee, was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. Despite great triumphs and failures, he became one of the most important leaders of the early Church. A significant part of his...

Jesus’ headquarters in Capernaum | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 04

Capernaum was a bustling trade centre on the western shores of Galilee. This location became the epicentre of Jesus’ ministry. For around three years, Jesus performed extraordinary miracles and taught in the synagogue. It...

Jesus walks on water | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 03

The Sea of Galilee provides the location for two of the most famous stories in the Bible. The first involves Jesus asleep in a boat, unaware of a frightening storm that scares even the experienced fishermen on board. The second...

Jesus calls fishermen | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 02

Here by the shores of Galilee, four ordinary fishermen receive the call of the Rabbi Jesus and leave behind their nets to start a new life. Simon, Andrew, James and John – young, uneducated men with few prospects beyond...

Jesus relocates to Galilee | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 01

Jesus’ hometown was technically Nazareth, a hamlet in Galilee, but later on he relocated to Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee. This was a strategic move, as bustling Capernaum became the epicentre of his ministry. Here, Jesus...
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