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Yr Addewid Amhosib

Llyfryn Nadolig newydd sbon i blant wedi'i ysgrifennu gan Bob Hartman. Ystyriwch stori'r geni fel erioed o'r blaen trwy liwio'ch hoff gymeriadau a dychmygu'r hyn maent yn ei feddwl a'i ddweud wrth ei gilydd. Yn ôl mewn stoc Dydd Llun 29 Tachwedd.

Yr Addewid Amhosib
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This item is subsidised for mission* £2.00 each £2.00 each
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*This item is subsidised and offered at a discount price in order to support you and your church in your mission. The price covers basic costs including postage and packaging. Any additional money that may result from the sale of this item will be used to support our mission to give the Bible and help people make sense of it, all around the world, people like Ning in China.

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(£2.00 each£2.00 each)
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