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Apocryffa - Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd - New Welsh Bible (BCN) Apocrypha

Yr Apocryffa. The Welsh (cymraeg) Apocrypha to the revised version of Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd (2004).

Apocryffa - Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd - New Welsh Bible (BCN) Apocrypha


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ISBN: 9780564047031

ISBN 10: 0564047031

Dimensions: 210 x 140 x 25 mm

Format: Hardback

Published date: 11 December 2008

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Yr Apocryffa i'r Beibl Cymraeg Newydd, argraffiad diwygiedig (2004). Ceir yma bymtheg llyfr is-ganonaidd yr Hen Destament a gynhwysir yng nghyfieithiad y Deg a Thrigain a'r Fwlgat.

The Apocrypha to the revised version of Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd (2004). Comprising fifteen of the books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate versions of the Old Testament according to the Anglican tradition.


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