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The Queen and WW1

Author: Hazel Southam, 3 August 2018

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Royal seal of approval for National Day of prayer for peace


Buckingham Palace has backed today’s National Day of Prayer. The move comes at the start of the 100 days of prayer for peace, which run from today until Remembrance Sunday on November 11.

This mirrors the action of the Queen’s grandfather, King George V, who on 4 August 1918, called a National Day of Prayer, to pray for the end of World War 1. One hundred days later the war ended.

This year, Bible Society’s supporters across the country will be joining with thousands of other Christians in praying for peace over the next 100 days.

Revd Nims Obunge, the Queen’s Deputy Lieutenant for Greater London, said, ‘I am delighted that Buckingham Palace is acknowledging this significant anniversary.

‘As part of Remembrance 100 we are encouraging communities across the country to organise peace prayer events, community peace talks, peace festivals and more community-building activities.'

Every day there are prayers and actions for peace. You can sign up to take part and spend just a few minutes of your day, adding your prayers to those of tens of thousands more.

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