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6 ways we're helping young people in Africa build their future

Author: Abbie Doyle, 24 January 2017

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Did you know Africa has the youngest population in the world with around 200 million people aged between 15 and 24? Many are growing up without education, opportunities or hope for their future. Here are six ways we're reaching out to Africa's young people to help them build a future...

1. Teaching about love and compassion

We’re using the parable of the Good Samaritan to teach children about love, respect and compassion. Vulnerable and lacking in opportunities many young people join gangs but through this parable they’re discovering a different way to live.

2. Setting up Sunday schools

Child-headed households are common – and on the rise in Swaziland. We’re helping churches run Sunday schools, providing children with the care and guidance they need, and chance to hear the good news of the Bible.

3. Inspiring confidence through creative arts

Unemployment is devastating the hopes of young people in Malawi so we’re inspiring them through discipleship training and drama groups, giving them more confidence and skills for their future and deepening their passion for the Bible.

4. Fighting the isolation of deaf children

In Swaziland, deaf children are often marginalised and miss out on access to services other children enjoy. We’re standing alongside these children, teaching churches to better minister to deaf children and providing Bible stories in sign language.

5. Challenging the shame over blindness  

Blindness is seen as a curse in Uganda where many blind children are kept at home out of shame. We’re providing libraries and schools with braille Bibles so that these children don’t miss out on an education or on reading the Bible.

6. Giving Bibles

The Bible is a luxury which few can afford so we’re giving them out to young people across Africa and helping them discover what the Bible says about truth, justice, reconciliation and hope.

Find out more about how you can support our work with young people in Africa.

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