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Taxes to Caesar: Luke 20.20–26 (Day 340)

Our daily reflections follow the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, designed for those who want to read the whole Bible in one year. Each reflection focuses on one of the chapters from that day's readings. Darllenwch rhain yn Gymraeg.



Lord, open my ears to hear what you have to say to me; open my heart to love your word, and open my mind to understand your truth.


Daily reflection: Luke 20

I don’t know if you have ever been on the end of a con-artist or trickster. In this text we find Jesus on the end of an underhanded attempt to get him into trouble with the authorities. The Pharisees are on the attack. Under whose authority did Jesus minister? This set-up was all around taxes.

This question was at the heart of many rebellions by Jewish zealots. It was not merely financial, it was a question of whom they served, God or Caesar. Jesus' reply is explaining that we give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and we give to God what belongs to God. If you accept Caesar's currency and use it, then you are bound to accept Caesar’s right to impose taxes. A follower of Jesus can fear God and honour the king at the same time.

Such amazing wisdom! The key part of the text is verse 23, ‘He saw through their trickery.’ My prayer from reading this is that I would appreciate and ask for the gift of discernment. I want to be loving, kind, compassionate, but also discerning, and able to see situations through God’s eyes. Wherever I find myself, I want to find God there.



Dear God, please help me to be discerning today. As I live out my life, may I look through all that surrounds me to find you and your wisdom. Amen

Nigel Langford is Bible Society's Head of Church Relations

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