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‘I’m sorry’ – not good enough?: Matthew 18.21–35 (Day 189)

Our daily reflections follow the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, designed for those who want to read the whole Bible in one year. Each reflection focuses on one of the chapters from that day's readings. Darllenwch rhain yn Gymraeg.



Lord, have mercy. Cleanse me. Still my mind. Help me to listen as you speak.


Daily reflection: Matthew 18

Matthew 18 contains some hard Jesus sayings: on pride, temptation and the wages of sin.

And yet, read these passages closely and there’s always an underlying vision of deliverance. Imagine a world in which people have lost their craving for status and their urge to dominate the weak. Imagine a Christian who freely does away with anything that stands between them and God.

Similarly, the parable at the end of the chapter blends together hard saying and glimpse of inner freedom. Arguably, this goal is even harder to achieve than the humility and purity Jesus spoke about earlier. The unforgiving servant in the story is destroyed by his inability to let go of his anger. If only he had focused on the king’s mercy, rather than his fellow-servant’s failure, redemption would have been his.

Now, to remember the friendly driver who showed restraint yesterday may well help us to forgive the careless driver who nearly caused an accident five minutes ago. But what happens in those cases when sorry doesn’t feel good enough or when sorry is never said? What about the obnoxious colleague, the cheating spouse, the rapist of 30 years ago? If forgiveness doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to evil, what does it mean? How exactly do we hate the sin but love the sinner?

Once again, Jesus speaks of total deliverance, by telling us to ‘forgive from your heart’ (verse 35). Forgiveness has to encompass not just one’s will, but the nooks and crannies of the unconscious, where hurt and resentment have accumulated over time. Forgiveness may be a long, painful process, sometimes involving professional help. But is there any other exit from the road to self-destruction?



Lord, I need your forgiveness 24/7, from cradle to grave. Make me grateful for your abundant grace and generous in passing it on to others.

This reflection was written by Michael Pfundner, Bible Society's Publishing Support Manager

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