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I am the good shepherd: John 10.1–16 (Day 79)

Our daily reflections follow the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, designed for those who want to read the whole Bible in one year. Each reflection focuses on one of the chapters from that day's readings. Darllenwch rhain yn Gymraeg.



Lord, prepare me to receive your word. Clear my mind and warm my heart. Assure me of your loving purposes for me, and speak into my life today.


Daily Reflection: John 10

The image of the shepherd was a very potent one in Jewish life. Israel's greatest king, David, was a shepherd. In Psalm 23, God himself is described as the shepherd of his people. In this chapter, though, Jesus may be reflecting on Ezekiel 34, where the prophet savages Israel's rulers: 'You are doomed, you shepherds of Israel! You take care of yourselves, but never tend the sheep.' By contrast, Jesus is the 'good shepherd' who cares for the flock and lays down his life for them.

This chapter speaks of the relationship between sheep and shepherd as one of trust and protection. The sheep follow the shepherd because they know his voice (verse 4). The shepherd is totally committed to the welfare of the sheep, defending them and tending them: Jesus says he has come to bring 'life in all its fulness' (verse 10).

In part this is a warning to the early Christians against following false teachers rather than their true shepherd. But it's also a reminder of our relationship to God. We might like to think that we are strong, independent and powerful, confidently able to make up our own minds and go our own way. There's nothing wrong with that, if we have that sort of character. But sheep need to be tended by someone stronger and wiser than they are. We all need to recognise that we're under the authority and care of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.



God, help me to listen for the voice of Jesus in my life, and to learn to follow him. Thank you for his protection and care.

This reflection was written by Mark Woods, Bible Society's Editor

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