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Genesis 24.1–9: What really matters (Day 23)

Our daily reflections follow the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, designed for those who want to read the whole Bible in one year. Each reflection focuses on one of the chapters from that day's readings. Darllenwch rhain yn Gymraeg.



Lord, prepare me to receive your word. Clear my mind and warm my heart. Assure me of your loving purposes for me, and speak into my life today.


Daily Reflection: Genesis 24

Tension is building as the scene is set: Abraham is old, God has blessed him and he's wrapping things up. He’s about to complete his final act: finding a wife for his son and thereby securing his family line. The formality of the agreement between Abraham and his most trusted servant (verse 3) shows just how important this is as he sends him to be the go-between who would broker a marriage.

This is the longest chapter in Genesis and the space it's given is another sign of its importance. The details of the story show the different points at which God was in this – and how much could go wrong.

So, in the face of his task, the servant’s question (in verse 5) is fairly pragmatic. If things don’t go to plan, should he take Isaac back to live with his new wife in her own country? Would that be an acceptable compromise?

Abraham’s response is telling. Even in his old age, he recalls God’s promise to him and lets that determine the course of action. Abraham knew what really mattered, and that allowed him to instruct his servant (verses 6–9).

When faced with compromise, a change of direction or tough decisions, which stories, memories or ideas shape your course of action? What do you call to mind to help you see what really matters?



God, when I'm faced with decisions I’d rather not have to make, help me to see what really matters and act accordingly.

This reflection was written by Helen Crawford, Bible Society's Digital Bible Experience Manager

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