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A prayer for the nation’s restoration: Psalm 80 (Day 272)

Our daily reflections follow the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, designed for those who want to read the whole Bible in one year. Each reflection focuses on one of the chapters from that day's readings. Darllenwch rhain yn Gymraeg.



Lord, open my ears to hear what you have to say to me; open my heart to love your word, and open my mind to understand your truth.


Daily reflection: Psalm 80

This psalm is a communal lament by the temple musicians (the sons of Asaph), probably at a time when disaster had fallen upon the northern tribes. Coming together to lament before God, the Israelites recognise that they need God first and foremost, above anything else, and so they plead for him to turn back to them. They remind God of his covenantal promises to them and his saving work in the past, when he brought them out of Egypt.

By recognising the primacy of our relationship with God above all else, we can grow deep spiritual roots. Speaking of roots, this psalm includes the beautiful imagery of Israel as the grapevine and God as the vine-dresser (verses 8–11). It is a motif of patient providence, and of up-close care – as vines need consistent care and protection – and it's similar to the shepherd imagery seen elsewhere (e.g. Psalm 23). It is also imagery which Jesus uses when he calls himself the true vine (John 15.1–17).

Lamenting and questioning God is shown to be an acceptable part of being in covenant relationship with him. The fact that these pleas are included in the Bible reaffirms God’s desire to have dialogue with us. It also gives us the encouragement to be honest with God.



Heavenly Father, when I feel you are far away and I am hurting, thank you that I don’t need to hide it from you. Thank you that I can use the words of the Psalms when I can’t form the words myself. Please continue to patiently prune me so that I bear much fruit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This reflection was written by Katy Dorrer, Catholic Scripture Engagement Officer at Bible Society

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