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We’re delighted to be partnering with Wildfires this year, which is taking place online for free from 30–31 May 2021. 

Wildfires is a two-day festival where friends from different churches and communities come together to seek God and fan into flame the next great awakening. 

As part of the programme, we are running two online labs and we’d love you to join us. 

Exiles on Mission – Monday 31 May, 2–3 pm

Paul Williams, Chief Executive of Bible Society

Why do traditional Christian practice and belief often seem irrelevant in the daily lives of ordinary believers? How do we make sense of the dissonance between the cultural values of our time and our Christian identity and resist the pressure to assimilate? What has the Covid-19 pandemic revealed about the Church and about our society? And how can Christians recover a proper confidence in articulating faith in the midst of contemporary culture? Join Paul Williams, CEO of Bible Society, as he shares from his book Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World, a challenging and hopeful message about re-imagining mission in the uncharted waters of a post-Covid society.

Re-imagining Mission – Monday 31 May, 3.30–4.30 pm

Nigel Langford, Director of Domestic Mission at Bible Society

As we look through the Scriptures we’re led to a rediscovery and re-examination of God’s original intent and heart for his mission in the world. Join Nigel Langford, Director of Domestic Mission at Bible Society, to consider how we can listen to our communities and support them well as we re-imagine our approach to mission for this time.

Each lab will be hosted on Zoom and can have a maximum of 300 participants. All you need to do is book your Wildfire Online ticket and you will be provided with a way to join the Zoom meeting on the day. Make sure you’re on time to secure your place! We hope you can attend Wildfires and look forward to being with you online.

Book your tickets today


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