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My husband had a dramatic accident a few years ago

My Bible: reasons to believe in the power of the Bible

‘My husband had a dramatic accident a few years ago. We were on the last day of our holiday and he fell down the stairs. He was in intensive care for three days and in hospital for three weeks. Now he’s registered blind in one eye and he had to have his nose rebuilt. The surgeon said that if he’d hit the ground any harder it would have been a brain stem injury.  

‘It was horrible. I still don’t like talking about it. I thought, “How can God help?” But people kept me going with messages and little Bible readings. It was a very difficult time. Reading the Bible gave me comfort. Every day I always found something there. There was always something that would help. The Bible helps you have faith. That time would have been so hard without the Bible.  

‘We live different lives now. I do more. I worry when he goes out by himself. But I’m glad that we’re still together, that he’s alive. I do a daily Bible reading and it’s surprising how often something speaks to me. I’ve always read it by lunchtime. It gives me comfort.’ 

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