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83 results for: 'GNB'

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A hundred kilos of Scripture: one man’s passion to share the Bible in Ukraine

In the past year your support has meant God’s word could reach thousands of Ukrainians. We’ve been able to make Scripture in the Ukrainian and Russian languages available free of charge to churches in this country serving refugees.

From creation to resurrection: following the Holy Spirit through Scripture

Explore the role of the Holy Spirit, our giver of gifts, throughout the story of Scripture.

God’s unstoppable word in China

Kua Wee Seng witnessed the stunning growth of the Church in China during his 28 years working in Bible mission in China. Kua retired in 2021 as Director of China Partnership, United Bible Societies.

Carrying the cross in China

Wang Zhengxiang was pursued by tragedy all his life, but then, during a spell in a Chinese prison, he asked for a Bible.

Where does God want us to be, city or country?

The countryside – a safe haven for the soul? writes Michael Pfunder. After all, didn’t Babel rise against God, Lot flee Sodom and Jesus weep over Jerusalem?

Galilee teenager tells how he was saved from suicide at Scripture workshop

A teenager tells how he was saved from suicide at a Scripture workshop run by Bible Society in the Galilee region of northern Israel.

Workers for Christ: Romans 16.1–16 (Day 238)

Paul concludes his letter to the Romans with warm personal greetings. He recommends Phoebe (verses 1–2), a 'servant' of the church and 'protector' or 'friend' of many. Translators have argued about how the Greek words ...

The Bible and Mental Health: Clinging to God

Darkness is my only companion. Psalm 88.18 (GNB) Old Testament psalms that start off with conflict or lament usually end on a note of hope or even triumph. Psalm 88 breaks the mould; there’s no silver lining.

Be grateful for every year: Ecclesiastes 11.1–8 (Day 114)

This section of chapter 11 is another set of proverbs, focused on living well while we have the chance. Verse 1 is translated 'cast your bread upon the waters' in older translations; the GNB interprets this rightly as 'invest your mone...

Mark 6.1–6: A prophet without honour (Day 34)

Jesus was attracting large crowds who came to hear his teaching and receive his ministry. When he went to his own town, Nazareth, it was a different story: the people there saw only the carpenter who had grown up among them. Calling him the 'son...

Jesus the water of life | Bible Trek – Jerusalem in the New Testament Series – 01

John’s Gospel records that on the southern steps of the temple, on the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus stood up and invited people to come to him, the water of life. In this extraordinary moment, Jesus took the ancient prophecy of Ezek...

Jesus visits the temple in Jerusalem | Bible Trek – Easter Series - 02

The famous Southern Steps led up to the temple, the holy place where God’s presence dwelt. Jesus and his disciples ascended them and entered the temple to celebrate events like Passover...

Jesus reimagines the Passover meal | Bible Trek – Easter Series - 03

On Thursday night, gathered with the disciples, Jesus celebrated Passover – a simple meal in remembrance of the Exodus, the time when the people of Israel were dramatically rescued from slavery in Egypt...



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