Christianity and the Bible in England and Wales

What’s happening to religion? It’s a question sometimes heard as a cry of despair, as headlines highlight falling numbers and closing churches. But the truth is that while we have good data about church attendance, we’ve known much less about what people really think about Christianity and the Bible.  

Now, for the first time, Bible Society can begin to answer that deeper question.

Bible Society has worked with leading pollsters YouGov on what we believe is the largest survey ever of attitudes to religion in England and Wales, involving nearly 20,000 people. As well as factual questions like how often they went to church and whether they’d identify with a particular denomination, they were asked more probing questions about their attitudes to faith and the Bible. 

Among other questions, we asked:  
  • How satisfied people feel with their lives  
  • Whether they believe in God – and if they do, what sort of God they believe in  
  • Whether they follow a religion, and if so which one  
  • Whether they say they’re Christians and what they mean by that  
  • What they think about the Bible and how often they read it  
  • How confident they are in talking about the Bible and why  
  • ​What would make them more confident 

We analysed responses by criteria including gender, income, age and geographical location. From all this, we’ve been able to map the spiritual ground in England and Wales based on eight distinct spiritual types or personas. Using our community search tool, you’ll be able to see the profile of your own neighbourhood. This research is designed to help you communicate the Bible’s message. 

19,101,18+ adults in England and Wales were interviewed in Oct/Nov 2018 and the results weighted to be representative of the general population.