The Bible and Mental Health: Anxiety
Few things affect people’s mental health as badly as anxiety. Though it may show in more ways than one, anxiety is essentially about losing...
The Bible and Mental Health: Mindfulness
The message and imagery are so compelling, it is easy to miss the fact that Jesus is encouraging his listeners to observe nature.
The Bible and Mental Health: Separation
God did not create us as loners. Ask anyone going through homesickness, bereavement or lover’s grief. The Bible records a moving incident...
The Bible and Mental Health: Burnout
If you’ve ever worked out on a resistance machine, you’ll know the feeling of doing fine for a number of repeats before the weights seem to...
The Bible and Mental Health: Clinging to God
Darkness is my only companion. Psalm 88.18 (GNB) Old Testament psalms that start off with conflict or lament usually end on a note of hope...