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Darllenwch hwn yn Gymraeg

Sweeter than Chocolate

Try some of these sweet things …


Bake some chocolate treats

Baking chocolate treats is fun and they’re tasty to eat. 

Cornflake nests
Shredded Wheat nests

Make an Easter card

Make an Easter card or thank you card for a neighbour or key worker and arrange to take a walk to deliver it if possible.


Jellybean Jumble 

Get a bag of jellybeans or similar, cover your eyes and play ‘guess the flavour’.


Do an Easter crossword! Answers below – no peaking!

Clue: They can be hidden and hard-boiled (eggs)
Clue: Women took this to the tomb (perfume)
Clue: Floppy eared animal (bunnies)  
Clue: Disciple who ran to tomb (Peter)
Clue: Tasty treat we like to eat (Chocolate)
Clue: Used to cover the tomb (Stone)
Clue: Messengers from heaven (Angels)
Clue: Season that flowers bloom (Spring)
Clue: No longer dead (Alive)
Clue: He rose from the dead (Jesus)

Word search 

Download our wordsearch.


Make an acrostic with the word chocolate


Dig deeper ...

  • Research about cocoa beans and Fairtrade.
  • Look up a Fairtrade chocolate company near you or look for fair trade products when out shopping or in your cupboard and find out more about the people who grow and supply these products.
  • Read more about the Easter story
  • Watch a spoken word piece about Easter

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