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Opening the Bible with school children in Ghana

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Our Bible storytelling project, Open the Book, is helping schoolchildren in Ghana encounter Jesus through the stories of the Bible.
And it’s shaping an entire generation.

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Imagine for a moment that you’re stepping into a school assembly in Ghana… A thousand chattering children, aged from two to eleven, cram into a church that sits on the school grounds. Excitement is high – matched by the noise levels! – and the smell of the school fish soup lunch drifts in. In every pew, children crane their necks forward for the best view.

Then a hush falls over the room. The story is about to start… 

Seven volunteers, dressed in costumes and carrying props, act out the story of Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. Around ten children are involved in the play, and afterwards there’s a quiz on the story. Hundreds of hands shoot up with the answers, hoping to win an Open the Book sticker.

It’s joyful, engaging and loads of fun. And it undoubtedly sows the seed of God’s word for the future.

Will you take Bible storytelling to even more schools in Ghana? The impact of Bible Storytelling in Ghana

Our team in Ghana are so excited about the potential for this project.  One leader told us Open the Book could ‘bring a new generation to Christ.’

Daniel, aged 11, told us: ‘I love Bible stories because they can change your life, the way you behave and how you talk to people.’ 

And that’s not all. Opening the Bible in school assemblies encourages children to share the Bible stories with their family members too, as ten-year-old Albert explained:  ‘I share the stories with my family because I want my mum and dad to know what Jesus has done.’

After the assembly, John Ambonay, the school head teacher, told us: ‘Open the Book has done so much for my school’.

He shared that since the project started four years ago:

• Behaviour in school has visibly improved 
• Children’s Bible knowledge has increased
• Children have stopped insulting each other
• More pupils are completing their education

This joyful project is touching the lives of so many young people in Ghana.  But there’s a significant barrier: money. To reach more children with the Bible, we need your help.

Will you bring Bible storytelling to more schools, and see young lives changed by God’s word?

You can help

Storytellers in Ghana are paid a small amount for each assembly, so it costs £30 to put a team into a school to share a Bible story. We also need to train and equip new teams.

Your gift of:

  • £15 supports a Bible storyteller for a month
  • £30 puts a team into a school to share a Bible story with up to 1,000 children
  • £80 trains and launches a Bible storytelling team in a new school

Bible storytelling in Ghana can only continue with your support. Will you help today?

 Donate now

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